JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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10 entries this month

03:51 Feb 28 2010
Times Read: 745

Well I'm not going to let today be a bad day. I'm going to make the most of it. Go me!




02:28 Feb 26 2010
Times Read: 750

So I was updating my status today for the first time in a long time. Usually I just let it do it automatically when I get on? Well I clicked update and what do I see? ShadowPaws has blocked me. ROFL! He comes on MY journal preaching about love and how I should move on just because my relationship got tough. I was nice about it at first but this guy doesn't know me, he doesn't know the situation and he doesn't know what this girl does for me. He has no idea of the love she gives me. Just because she doesn't always show it, that doesn't mean I should give up. ShadowPaws if you read this you're halarious. Pat yourself on the back with your paw, you deserve it. You made me laugh. ^.^




04:27 Feb 23 2010
Times Read: 755

Great beast of the sky please hear my cry, transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. Envelope the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe. Unlock your powers deep within so that together we may win. Appear in this Shadow Game as I call your name, Winged Dragon of Ra!




06:57 Feb 16 2010
Times Read: 766

Who knew a little notebook could make one so depressed?




18:24 Feb 14 2010
Times Read: 770

Regardless of how you acted yesterday when I needed you, I'm glad I've been with you for another valentines day. While we may have different definitions of what makes one good, I'm still greatful to have another one with you. Happy Valentines day. I love you.




06:25 Feb 14 2010
Times Read: 773

I'm not sure what to say here. I mean, I like to find good in everyone. I really do. I look for it in even the darkest of places. I seek it out and I try and multiply it until it over shadows all the bad. I'm never repaid. I'm never compensated for my time and effort. I'm only cast down into the depts of damnation and accused of the most horrible things. Yeah, I have faults. So do the rest of us. I'm not perfect and I've never claimed to be but all I've ever asked for is a little effort and a little honesty. That's all. That's all I've asked for out of every single person I meet. That's it. That's not so hard. If you feel something express it. Don't express the oppisit or I'll believe what you're expressing. Maybe it's easy to lie to me. Maybe it's not so hard because I believe in people. I believe in good. I know it's in everyone but some people would rather be assholes then have the good come out of them. Maybe I should stop trying to find the good and find myself. *sighs* Happy freaking valentines day to me. *scoffs*




02:39 Feb 14 2010
Times Read: 779

Why is it hyper, perky, energetic moods rarely last with me? I can wake up horrible and it lasts all day. I wake up hyper and it's gone by early evening? *sighs* Sometimes I wish 5 hour energy gave you perky too.



02:41 Feb 14 2010

Becasue its easier to keep the horrible moods you dont need to do anything about it if you dont want to but its harder to keep the happy and perky moments those may come voluntarilly but you have to make them stay on your own



19:11 Feb 11 2010
Times Read: 800

I got a package today from Hortencia. I opened it and guess what was inside? A valentine days card! Hooray! And it's totally true too, everything written inside it was absolutly true. I have seen her in every one of her best and worst scenarios. She really is a great person. I know a lot of people read my journal and think "Woah, she must really suck" but she doesn't. She's fucking amazing. I really can't picture my life without her by my side. And the little skull necklace? PERFECT! I love it, I love how it's almost a choaker but not quite. I love how it feels against my skin. I love the shape and the look and the feel. The little cord it's attached to is perfect. Light yet strong so I can probably sleep in it. I love it. I can't stop smiling. It's the big goofy retard smile that you see when someone is completly greatful for something they've recived. I love everything she's ever sent me. I know lately I've been slacking off on all the good things she's done for me. Writting on here more about my trials and tribulations then my smiles and laughs. I'm seriously going to work on that. She deserves the praise I haven't been giving so much lately and I'm going to do my best to show her just how much she fucking means to me. I love you baby, I really do. You're my everything, my life, my love, my happiness and my smiles. I'm glad to be able to call you mine and I'm greatful for everything you've ever done for me. You've made me who I am today and if anyone on here appreciates me, it's all thanks to her because if I had never met Hortencia then I wouldn't be who I am today. Thank you my love. Thank you so very much.




13:03 Feb 10 2010
Times Read: 809

No one calls me babe but you she says. Ugh. And Yeah, She may be sexy, but she's fucking MINE




00:04 Feb 08 2010
Times Read: 814

So apparently I'm only happy when I have video games. At least that's what she says. And no this isn't a witty joke either, I'm serious. She actually said that in her journal. She must not realize that every happy feeling since I've known her has had her in some way shape or form involved. She must not know that I'm only happy when I'm with her, that I'm only happy when I can come home from whatever and she greets me at the door. She must not know the complete and utter pain I feel when she's not with me. The sorrow I feel when she's hurting me or the anger I feel when she's dismissing all of my feelings of love and adoration. Alas, sometimes people think they know what you mean when you explain something like love but in reality they have no idea. I think it's better to say you have no idea then to claim you do and underestimate it.



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